CHRAGG condemns Dar police station attack | nyula blog

Habari Kila Pande

Breaking News

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CHRAGG condemns Dar police station attack

COMMISSION for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) condemned the killing of seven innocent police officers and civilians, after gunmen attacked a police station in Dar es Salaam on Sunday night. A statement signed by CHRAGG Chairperson, Mr Bahame Nyanduga, quoted Section 14 of the Constitution which states that everyone has a right to life and security from the community according to laws.

"The killing of civilians and police officers who are responsible for safety, security and peace in the country, should be condemned by all people as the officers died while on duty," read part of the statement. It further reads that incidents of attacking police stations and killing officers has been repeating over and over, something which creates fear among officers, their families and general public.

CHRAGG requests the government to carefully investigate those incidents to find proper solutions for the attacks to be controlled once and for all, to assure safety to officers and civilians. Moreover, the commission reminded all citizens that violence, murder and all acts that infringe the law, committed by civilians, were against human rights and rule of law, thus the Commission rebukes these acts.

The Commission urges the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs that the role of protection and security of citizens and their property was fundamental responsibility, therefore, suggests strengthening protection in police stations as well as providing necessary equipment and adequate budget.

"Police should strengthen its patrols especially at night and citizens should cooperate with police in ensuring people who were involved in the incident are arrested and brought to court for the law to take its course," reads part of the statement. Last Sunday, gunmen killed four police officers and three civilians before stealing weapons.

Speaking to journalists, Inspector General of Police Ernest Mangu said the gunmen walked into the police station and opened fire at police officers killing four on the spot and injuring others. Mangu said the gang then raided the police station and stole guns and ammunition before escaping. He said the motive of the attack is yet to be ascertained as police launch a manhunt for the gunmen.
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