Chato residents salute Magufuli | nyula blog

Habari Kila Pande

Breaking News

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chato residents salute Magufuli

CHATO residents are warmly waiting for the arrival of their Member of Parliament, Dr John Magufuli, as legislators from the opposition parties vow to vote for him as the country’s fifth president come October 25, this year.

A random survey by the ‘Daily News’ in this small but fast expanding township witnessed groups of youths rating the nomination of their MP to contend for the top post of the country’s administration as historical.

Many who spoke to this paper said the CCM’s move to nominate Dr Magufuli as its presidential candidate has changed the political climate of the township and the entire constituency as the majority now are determined to vote him into the State House.

“I am going to vote for Dr Magufuli, not only is he a home boy but mostly because he appears to befit the position than any other proposed candidates from the coalition of opposition parties,” said Mr Ngalawa Jeremia, a staunch Chadema member since 2012.

Reports from various sources here have it that as soon as Dr Magufuli was declared winner in the race beating his two closest contenders, Dr Asha- Rose Migiro and Ms Amina Salum Ally, residents regardless of their political affiliations cheered and almost went wild in disbelief.

The cheerful atmosphere that lasted for two days witnessed another rare incident where groups of members from the opposition parties returning their cards and flags saying Dr Magufuli’s nomination has buried their political differences.

Mr Godfrey Kiraryo who introduced himself as a political analyst said he had a lot of confidence in Dr Magufuli who possesses political will in dealing with the evils that are afflicting this country at the moment adding that he was anxiously waiting for his arrival.

However, Mr Kiraryo was quick to add that Dr Magufuli had a tough task ahead as he assumes the presidential responsibilities at the "Magogoni White House" due to the nature of the duties he was about to start attending. Basically, he said, all the qualities that pushed CCM to nominate him were merely individual.

He added that in his opinion the whole administrative system of the country needs to be overhauled for the president to deliver.

He mentioned a number of issues that Dr Magufuli needs to be watchful with corruption and too much bureaucracy in government offices and public institutions topping the list.

“I highly congratulate CCM for this milestone and achieving to exercise true democracy during the nomination process but it has to watch out the existence of some people in it who might sabotage its candidate,” he said without mentioning them.

Other comments by some residents here were on the possibility of the next president to propose changes in the current constitution by allowing ministers to apply for the posts as opposed to the present scenario.

They said for Dr Magufuli’s administration to deliver, members of the cabinet must be independent in order to match with the President’s working style and spirit.
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